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This trait offers taggable behavior to your models. It allows you to easily add, remove, and retrieve tags associated with a model.


The only requirement to use this trait is to add a tags column to your model's table as a JSON column. You can do this by creating a migration:

php artisan make:migration add_tags_column_to_posts_table

Then, in the generated migration file, add the following code to the up method:

Schema::table('posts', function (Blueprint $table) {

Then add the Taggable trait to your model:

class Post extends Model
  use Taggable;

If you want to use a different column name for tags, you can override the static $tagsAttribute property in your model:

class Post extends Model
  use Taggable;

  protected static $tagsAttribute = 'labels';


Let's take a look at the methods provided by the Taggable trait:

The static tags method

The tags method is used to retrieve all tags associated with a model. It returns an array of tags.

$tags = Post::tags();

The tagged scope

Taggable trait provides a tagged scope that allows you to query models by tags. It accepts an array of tags as a parameter.

$posts = Post::tagged(['laravel', 'php'])->get();

The attachTag method

The attachTag method is used to attach a tag to a model. It accepts one or more tags as parameters.

$post->attachTag('laravel', 'php');

The detachTag method

The detachTag method is used to detach a tag from a model. It accepts one or more tags as parameters.

$post->detachTag('laravel', 'php');

The syncTags method

The syncTags method is used to sync tags with a model. It accepts an array of tags as a parameter.

$post->syncTags(['laravel', 'php']);

Now the $post model will have the laravel and php tags only.